Degree Level PSC Asked Questions - 01
1. Why does blotting paper absorb ink?
2. Why are lightning conductors fixed to tall buildings?
3. Why can petrol fire not be extinguished by pouring water over it?
4. Why is a small space left at the joint between the two rails?
5. Why are liquid drops spherical?
6. A glass tumbler is filled to the brim with water and a piece of ice is floating on it, As the ice melts, will the water overflow or not? Give reason for your answer.
7. When a moving train slows down quickly, will a passenger tend to fall backward or forward? Explain why?
8. Explain why it takes more time to cook meat and vegetables at hill stations?
9. When we drink soft drinks through a straw, why does the liquid go up into our mouth?
10. Explain why the moisture (water droplets) gathers on the outerside of a glass tumbler containing ice-cold water
11. Why does a metal seen colder in winter and hotter in summer
compared with a piece of wood?
12. A thick glass tumbler often cracks when a very hot liquid is poured in
it. Why?
13. How does a rainbow form? Explain the phenomenon.
14. What causes the rumbling sound of thunder?
15. Why does silver tarnish?
16. Why are mornings and evenings less warm than noon?
17. The sky appears blue. Give reason.
18. What is the difference between a planet and a star?
19. Why do stars twinkle?
20. What are chromosomes?
21. What is the difference between Supersonic and Ultrasonic sounds?
22. Why is it dangerous to have a charcoal fire burning in a badly ventilated room?
23. Copper wire cannot be used as a heating element in electric heaters. Why?
24. What do you know of the following: (a) Rocket (b) Computer
25. Why are flowers brightly coloured?
Write a short note on any three of the following
26. Dactylography and Dactyliology 27. Quantum theory
28. Radioactivity 29. Evolution theory
30. Green Revolution
1. Blotting paper has fine pores which act like capillaries. When a portion of blotting paper is brought into contact with ink, due to surface tension (capillary action of liquids) ink enters the pores and is absorbed.
2. Lightning conductors are fixed to tall buildings to neutralise the electric charge of the cloud passing over the building before it can cause damage by suddenly finding a path to earth through the conductors.
3. Water, which is heavier than petrol, slips down permitting the petrol to rise to the surface and continue to burn. Besides, the existing temperature is so high that the water poured on the fire evaporates even before it can extinguish the fire.
4. To permit expansion of rails due to heat generated by friction of the moving train and in summer.
5. Liquid drops assume spherical shape on account of surface tension. Surface tension is the force acting on surface of a liquid, in which there is a force of tension due to intermolecular forces acting on the surface of the liquid. This tension makes the area of free surface as small as possible.
6. Level of water remains unchanged because the volume of water produced by the melting ice is exactly the same as that of the piece of ice. On melting the water will be equal to the volume of water displaced by the ice.
7. The passenger will tend to fall forward because the lower portion of his body which is in contact with the seat will come to rest quickly whereas the upper portion of the body continues to be in a state of motion. Hence, the person is thrown forward.
8. At higher altitudes, the atmospheric pressure is low as compared to that in the plains and, therefore water boils below 1000C. Hence sufficient heat is not supplied for cooking the meat and vegetables at hill stations.
9. When a person sucks air from the straw, the pressure of the air inside the straw is reduced as compared to the atmospheric pressure acting on the surface of the liquid. Therefore, the soft drink rushes up into the straw and to the mouth.
10. The water vapour present in air get cooled and appear as droplets of water on coming in contact with the cold surface of the glass tumbler.
11. Metals absorb and transmit heat more rapidly than wood.
12. The inner surface of the thick glass tumbler coming in contact with the hot liquid expands more in comparison to the outer surface which is relatively at a lower temperature. The uneven expansion of inner and outer surface may produce cracks.
13. After the rain some clouds continue to linger in the sky and they contain water droplets. Water droplets act like prisms. Sun’s rays falling on water droplets suffer dispersion and produce a spectrum. The different colours are viewed in the form of a rainbow.
14. Air is heated instantly when an electrical charge of lightning passes through it. The heat causes the molecules of air to expand in all directions. As the molecules seek more room, they collide violently with layers of cool air, and set up a great air wave that has the sound of thunder.
15. Silver is tarnished due to the presence of hydrogen sulphide in air, which forms black silver sulphide.
16. In the mornings and evenings the rays of the sun falling on earth are slanting and their distance is more. The earth gets heated up only slightly. At noon the rays of the sun falling on earth are nearly vertical and the distance is also less, with the result that the earth gets heated up considerably. Hence mornings and evenings are less warm than noon.
17. Violet and blue light have short waves and are scattered more than red light waves. While red light goes almost straight through the atmosphere, blue and violet are scattered by particles in the atmosphere. Thus we see a blue sky.
18. Stars are self-luminous celestial bodies and they have a system of their own. Planets, on the other hand, are bodies which revolve around a star and shine by the reflected light of the stars.
19. The light from the stars travels through different layers of space of varying densities. Therefore, the light rays deviate from its original path. Further, these layers are not stationary but keep on moving. This leads to the twinkling effect of the stars.
20. Chromosomes refers to rod-like or thread-shaped bodies, hundreds of which are found in the nucleus of every animal or plant cell carrying genetic materials.
21. Sounds of frequency higher than 20,000 Hz are known as ultrasonic and are inaudible. The speed greater than the speed of sound is referred to as supersonic.
22. The burning charcoal produces carbon monoxide which is a poisonous gas. If there is no escape for the gas it will fill up the room and suffocate us.
23. Copper has less melting point and if we use it in electric heater it cannot withstand high temperature.
24. (a) Rockets are projectiles driven by the reaction of gases produced by a fast burning fuel.
24. (b) Computer is a technical device designed to find instantaneous solutions of huge and complex calculations based on the information already fed.
25. The flowers contain pollen and intermixing of pollen is essential for reproduction of vegetation. Pollen is carried from one plant to another by bees and other insects which move from one flower to another. The beautiful colours tend to attract the bees and other insects towards the flowers.
26. Dactylography is the study of fingerprints for the purpose of identification.
Dactyliology is the technique of communication by signs made with the fingers. It is generally used by the deaf.
27. Quantum Theory states that changes of energy in atoms and molecules occur only in discrete quantities, each as an integral multiple of a fundamental quantity. The fundamental quantity is generally referred to as quantum.
28. Radioactivity is the phenomenon of spontaneous disintegration of unstable atomic nuclei to give more stable product nuclei. It is usually associated with the emission of alpha, beta and gamma rays.
29. Evolution is a naturally occurring process. Evolution is a slow, continuous and irreversible process of change. Complex forms of life have emerged from simpler forms over millions of years.
30. Green revolution refers to adoption of new methods of agriculture with high yielding hybrid seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and intensive cultivation, to increase agricultural production.

Uttar Pradesh P.C.S. (Pre.) Solved Paper 2011
(Exam Held on 26-6-2011)
1. Which one of the following is not formed in our body ?
(A) Vitamin A
(B) Protein
(C) Enzyme
(D) Hormone
Ans : (A)
2. Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched ?
(A) Silver iodide —Horn Silver
(B) Silver chloride —Artificial rain
(C) Zinc phosphide —Rat poison
(D) Zinc sulphide —Philosopher’s wool
Ans : (C)
3. Which one of the following gases is essential for photosynthesis process ?
(A) CO
(B) CO2
(C) N2
(D) O2
Ans : (B)
4. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below—
(a) Morphine
(b) Sodium
(c) Boric Acid
(d) German Silver
1. Antiseptic
2. Alloy
3. Analgesic
4. Kerosene oil
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 4 3 1 2
(B) 2 4 3 1
(C) 3 1 4 2
(D) 3 4 1 2
Ans : (D)
5. Which one of the following human organs is most susceptible to harmful radiations ?
(A) Eyes
(B) Heart
(C) Brain
(D) Lungs
Ans : (A)
6. The minimum height of a plane mirror to see the full size image of a person is equal to—
(A) the height of the person
(B) half the height of the person
(C) one-fourth the height of the person
(D) double the height of the person
Ans : (B)
7. Helium is preferred to hydrogen in air balloons because it—
(A) is cheaper
(B) is less dense
(C) has greater lifting power
(D) does not form an explosive mixture with air
Ans : (B)
8. Retina of the eye is comparable to which of the following parts of a traditional camera ?
(A) Film
(B) Lens
(C) Shutter
(D) Cover
Ans : (A)
9. Anosmia is—
(A) loss of the sense of taste
(B) loss of the sense of smell
(C) loss of the sense of touch
(D) loss of the sense of heat
Ans : (B)
10. Assertion (A) : If somebody stops taking green vegetables he will suffer from night blindness.
Reason (R) : He will suffer from Vitamin A deficiency.
Select the correct answer from the codes given below—
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Ans : (A)
11. Insectivorous fish used for mosquito control is—
(A) Hilsa
(B) Labeo
(C) Gambusia
(D) Mystus
Ans : (C)
12. With which of the physiological process Thrombin is associated ?
(A) Excretion
(B) Blood clotting
(C) Reproduction
(D) Growth
Ans : (B)
13. AIDS is caused by—
(A) Bacteria
(B) Fungus
(C) Helminth
(D) Virus
Ans : (D)
14. Which of the following is not the normal function of the human kidney ?
(A) Regulation of water level in the blood.
(B) Regulation of sugar level in the blood.
(C) Filter out urea.
(D) Secretion of several hormones.
Ans : (B)
15. The principle of ‘Black hole’ was enunciated by—
(A) C.V. Raman
(B) H.J. Bhabha
(C) S. Chandrashekhar
(D) H. Khurana
Ans : (C)
16. Which one of the following is used as a moderator in the nuclear reactor ?
(A) Thorium
(B) Graphite
(C) Radium
(D) Ordinary water
Ans : (B)
17. Refrigeration helps in food preservation by—
(A) killing the germs
(B) reducing the rate of biochemical reactions
(C) destroying enzyme action
(D) sealing the food with a layer of ice
Ans : (B)
18. Electric bulb filament is made of—
(A) Copper
(B) Aluminium
(C) Lead
(D) Tungsten
Ans : (D)
19. Which mirror is used as a rear view mirror in the vehicles ?
(A) Plane
(B) Convex
(C) Concave
D) Inverted
Ans : (B)
20. Which one of the following is a part of Infotech Terminology ?
(A) Protocol
(B) Login
(C) Archie
(D) All the above
Ans : (D)
21. Inventor and founder of www is—
(A) Timbernrus
(B) N. Russel
(C) Lee N. Fiyong
(D) Bill Gates
Ans : (A)
22. Amniocentosis is a method used to determine the—
(A) foetal sex
(B) kind of Amino acids
(C) sequence of Amino acids in protein
(D) type of hormones
Ans : (A)
23. BMD testing is done to diagnose
(A) Dengue
(B) Malaria
(C) Osteoporosis
Ans : (C)
24. Which one of the following States has granted Sanskrit language the status of the second official language of the State ?
(A) Bihar
(B) Chhattisgarh
(C) Uttar Pradesh
(D) Uttarakhand
Ans : (D)
25. Which one of the following has the right to address the Parliament ?
(A) Attorney General of India
(B) Chief Election Commissioner of India
(C) Chief Justice of India
(D) National Security Advisor
Ans : (A)
26. Which one of the following statements about the Parliament of India is not correct ?
(A) The Constitution provides for a Parliamentary form of Government.
(B) The foremost function of the Parliament is to provide a Cabinet.
(C) The membership of the Cabinet is restricted to the Lower House.
(D) The Cabinet has to enjoy the confidence of the majority in the popular Chamber.
Ans : (C)
27. Voting right by the youths at the age of 18 years was exercised for the first time in the General Election of—
(A) 1987
(B) 1988
(C) 1989
(D) 1990
Ans : (C)
28. Under which one of the following Articles of the Indian Constitution, the Legislative Assembly is allowed to resolve for the creation of the Legislative Council ?
(A) 168
(B) 169
(C) 170
(D) 171
Ans : (B)
29. Missile ‘Astra’ is a—
(A) land to land missile
(B) land to air missile
(C) air to air missile
(D) water to land missile
Ans : (C)
30. Indane gas is a mixture of—
(A) butane and hydrogen
(B) butane and oxygen
(C) butane and propane
(D) methane and oxygen
Ans : (C)
31. South Indian festival of ‘Onam’ is associated with which of the following ?
(A) Ram’s victory over Rawan
(B) Durga’s killing of Mahishasur
(C) Shiva Shakti
(D) Mahabali
Ans : (D)
32. Which among the following is the largest software company in India ?
(A) Infosys
(D) HCL Tech
Ans : (C)
33. Which one of the following is different from the others from the point of view of ownership ?
(A) LIC Policy
(B) Bank Fixed Deposit
(C) Kisan Vikas Patra
(D) Debenture of a Company
Ans : (C)
34. In the Union Budget 2011-12, the effective rate of interest for farmers on timely repayment of the bank loan is—
(A) 7 per cent
(B) 6 per cent
(C) 4 per cent
(D) 3 per cent
Ans : (C)
35. ‘Athapoo’ is associated with which of the following festivals ?
(A) Dol Yatra
(B) Onam
(C) Pongal
(D) Vishwakarma Puja
Ans : (B)
36. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below—
List-I(a) Pandit Durgalal
(b) Lalgudi Jayaraman
(c) Bala Murali Krishna
(d) Amrita Shergil
List-II1. Instrumental Music
2. Dance
3. Painting
4. Vocal Music
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 2 1 4 3
(B) 1 2 4 3
(C) 3 1 2 4
(D) 2 4 3 1
Ans : (A)
37. Which one of the following is useful in the treatment of scurvy disease ?
(A) Mango
(B) Papaya
(C) Myrobalan
(D) Ber
Ans : (C)
38. Which of the following crops are grown mainly in the irrigated areas during Zaid ?
(A) Arhar and Gram
(B) Moong and Urad
(C) Rice and Millets
(D) Maize and Groundnut
Ans : (B)
39. The largest producer of Sugar in India is—
(A) Bihar
(B) Karnataka
(C) Maharashtra
(D) Uttar Pradesh
Ans : (D)
40. Which of the following authority sanctions foreign exchange for the import of goods ?
(A) Any Nationalised Bank
(B) Exchange Bank
(C) Reserve Bank of India
(D) Ministry of Finance
Ans : (C)
41. A letter of credit has to be produced by—
(A) an exporter
(B) an importer
(C) custom authorities
(D) shipping company
Ans : (A)
42. Which organisation promotes the foreign trade ?
(D) All of the above
Ans : (A)
43. The main source of fund for the National Highway Authority of India is—
(A) Cess
(B) Foreign assistance
(C) Market borrowings
(D) Budgetary support of Union Government
Ans : (D)
44. Golden rice has the highest quantity of—
(A) Vitamin A
(B) Vitamin B
(C) Vitamin C
(D) Vitamin K
Ans : (A)
45. The State known as ‘Garden of Spices’ is—
(A) Karnataka
(B) Kerala
(C) Maharashtra
(D) Tamil Nadu
Ans : (B)
46. MODVAT is related to—
(A) Excise duty
(B) Value Added Tax (VAT)
(C) Wealth Tax
(D) Income Tax
Ans : (B)
47. More than one-third of the crude steel production of the world comes from—
(A) China
(B) Japan
(C) Russia
(D) U.S.A.
Ans : (A)
48. The Sun City is located in—
(A) Italy
(B) Japan
(C) Mexico
(D) South Africa
Ans : (D)
49. The correct descending order of the leading producers of milk is—
(A) China, India, Russia, U.S.A.
(B) India, U.S.A., China, Russia
(C) U.S.A., India, China, Russia
(D) India, China, U.S.A., Russia
Ans : (D)
50. Match List-I and List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below the lists— List-I (Iron-Steel Centre)(a) Hamilton
(b) Birmingham
(c) Essen
(d) Anshan
List-II (Country)
1. China
2. Canada
3. U.K.
4. Germany
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 4 3 1 2
(B) 2 1 4 3
(C) 2 3 4 1
(D) 3 4 2 1
Ans : (C)
51. Import procedure begins with—
(A) Indent
(B) Mate’s receipt
(C) Marine insurance
(D) Shipping bill
Ans : (B)
52. Private Sector Mutual Funds in India were permitted in—
(A) 1964
(B) 1993
(C) 1994
(D) 2001
Ans : (B)
53. In India the State with the largest area under very dense forests is—
(A) Arunachal Pradesh
(B) Madhya Pradesh
(C) Maharashtra
(D) Orissa (Odisha)
Ans : (A)
54. In India two largest producers of coal (2008-09) are—
(A) Andhra Pradesh and Chhattisgarh
(B) Chhattisgarh and Orissa (Odisha)
(C) Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand
(D) Jharkhand and Madhya Pradesh
Ans : (C)
55. Which of the following towns lie in the National Capital Region ?
1. Ambala
2. Khurja
3. Karnal
4. Rohtak
Select the correct answer from the codes given below—
Codes :
(A) 1 and 2 only
(B) 3 and 4 only
(C) 1, 2 and 3 only
(D) 2, 3 and 4 only
Ans : (D)
56. Coolgardie lies in the Australian province of—
(A) New South Wales
(B) Northern Territory
(C) Queensland
(D) Western Australia
Ans : (D)
57. Match List-I and List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below—
List-I (Lake)
(a) Erie
(b) Michigan
(c) Ontario
(d) Superior
List-II (City)
1. Duluth
2. Detroit
3. Gary
4. Hamilton
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 2 1 4 3
(B) 1 3 2 4
(C) 4 2 3 1
(D) 2 3 4 1
Ans : (D)
58. Arrange the following States of India in descending order of their forest-area and select the correct answer from the code given below :
1. Andhra Pradesh
2. Arunachal Pradesh
3. Chhattisgarh
4. Orissa (Odisha)
(A) 1, 3, 4, 2
(B) 1, 2, 3, 4
(C) 4, 3, 1, 2
(D) 2, 3, 4, 1
Ans : (D)
59. Which one of the following does not lie in Maharashtra ?
(A) Balaghat Range
(B) Harishchandra Range
(C) Mandav Hills
(D) Satmala Hills
Ans : (C)
60. Which one of the following is not the port town of Gujarat ?
(A) Jamnagar
(B) Okha
(C) Porbandar
(D) Veraval
Ans : (A)
61. Who among the following has been awarded the prestigious Abel Prize for the year 2011 ?
(A) Isadore M. Singer
(B) John Griggs Thompson
(C) John Willard Milnor
(D) Peter D. Lax
Ans : (C)
62. Assertion (A) : Kerala stands first in terms of human development index.
Reason (R) : Its unemployment rate is the highest in the country.
Select the correct answer from the codes given below :
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Ans : (C)
63. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched ?
(A) Koyali : Gujarat
(B) Nagapattinam : Andhra Pradesh
(C) Numaligarh : Assam
(D) Manali : Tamil Nadu
Ans : (B)
64. Which one of the following Indian States has recently signed a $ 220 million agreement with the World Bank ?
(A) Bihar
(B) Kerala
(C) Maharashtra
(D) Tamil Nadu
Ans : (A)
65. According to the World Bank’s Global Development Finance Report 2010 the correct descending order of the world’s five most indebted countries is—
(A) Russia, Brazil, China, Turkey, India
(B) Russia, China, Turkey, Brazil, India
(C) Russia, China, Brazil, India, Turkey
(D) Russia, Brazil, India, China, Turkey
Ans : (D)
66. In February 2011 India International Youth Film Festival was held in
(A) Hyderabad
(B) Kolkata
(C) Mumbai
(D) New Delhi
Ans : (D)
67. At the 83rd Oscar Awards the best film award was won by—
(A) Black Swan
(B) The Fighter
(C) The King’s Speech
(D) The Social Network
Ans : (C)
68. The foundation stone of the third Indian Research Centre in Antarctica was laid by the name of—
(A) Sarswati
(B) Bharti
(C) Anweshan
(D) Yamnotri
Ans : (B)
69. The author of the book ‘The Emperor of All Maladies : A Biography of Cancer’, for which 2011 Pulitzer Prize has been awarded, is—
(A) Farid Zakariya
(B) Geeta Anand
(C) Jhumpa Lahiri
(D) Siddhartha Mukherjee
Ans : (D)
70. Who among the following film actors was given Mother Teresa Award in March 2011 ?
(A) Prem Chopra
(B) Rajesh Khanna
(C) Shammi Kapoor
(D) Shatrughan Sinha
Ans : (A)
71. India in February 2011 signed Free Trade Agreement with—
(A) Australia
(B) Indonesia
(C) Japan
(D) South Korea
Ans : (C)
72. India has recently signed Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement with—
(A) Indonesia
(B) Malaysia
(C) Saudi Arabia
(D) Vietnam
Ans : (B)
73. Which one of the following districts of Uttar Pradesh has the highest literacy rate as per the provisional figures of 2011 Census ?
(A) Gautambuddh Nagar
(B) Ghaziabad
(C) Kanpur Nagar
(D) Lucknow
Ans : (B)
74. Thumri Singer Girija Devi belongs to—
(A) Banaras Gharana
(B) Agra Gharana
(C) Kirana Gharana
(D) Lucknow Gharana
Ans : (A)
75. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the code given below—
List-I (District)
(a) Jalaun
(b) Kanpur Dehat
(c) Sant Ravidas Nagar
(d) Kushinagar
List-II (Headquarters)
1. Akbarpur
2. Navgarh (Bhadohi)
3. Padrauna
4. Orai
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 4 1 2 3
(B) 4 3 2 1
(C) 2 1 3 4
(D) 1 2 4 3
Ans : (A)
76. The first Woman General Secretary of SAARC, elected in January 2011, comes from—
(A) Bangladesh
(B) Sri Lanka
(C) Maldives
(D) Bhutan
Ans : (C)
77. The 18th Rajiv Gandhi National Sadbhawana Award has been given to—
(A) Shabana Azmi
(B) Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
(C) Javed Akhtar
(D) None of the above
Ans : (B)
78. Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel Agricultural University is located at—
(A) Faizabad
(B) Meerut (Modipuram)
(C) Kanpur
(D) Jhansi
Ans : (B)
79. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the code given below—
List-I (City)
(a) Lucknow
(b) Varanasi
(c) Kanpur
(d) Agra
List-II (Aerodrome)
1. Babatpur
2. Kheria
3. Amausi
4. Chakeri
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 4 3 1 2
(B) 2 1 4 3
(C) 3 2 1 4
(D) 3 1 4 2
Ans : (D)
80. The official bird of Uttar Pradesh is—
(A) Peacock
(B) Saras
(C) Parrot
(D) Cuckoo
Ans : (B)
81. The most popular religious magazine ‘Kalyan’ is published from—
(A) Mathura
(B) Rishikesh
(C) Gorakhpur
(D) Varanasi
Ans : (C)
82. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched ?
(A) Vrindavan Mandir : Mathura
(B) J. K. Temple : Lucknow
(C) Vishwanath Mandir : Varanasi
(D) Devipatan Mandir : Tulsipur
Ans : (B)
83. Which one of the following statements regarding Uttar Pradesh, according to the provisional figures of 2011 Census is not correct ?
(A) It accounts for 16•5 per cent of the country’s population.
(B) It has the largest number of children in the country.
(C) Its decadal growth rate is 18•4%.
(D) Its sex ratio is 908.
Ans : (C)
84. Famous Charkula dance is associated with—
(A) Avadh
(B) Bundelkhand
(C) Brij Bhumi
(D) Rohilkhand
Ans : (C)
85. In ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 the ‘man of the tournament’ was—
(A) Kumar Sangakkara
(B) Sachin Tendulkar
(C) Tilakratne Dilshan
(D) Yuvraj Singh
Ans : (D)
86. The winner of All England Badminton Championship, 2011, Men’s Singles Title, was—
(A) Chen Jin
(B) Lee Chong Wei
(C) Lee Yong Dae
(D) Lin Dan
Ans : (B)
87. The winner of Australian Open 2011, Men’s Singles, was—
(A) Andy Murray
(B) David Ferrer
(C) Novak Djokovic
(D) Roger Federer
Ans : (C)
88. The Captain of the Indian Hockey Team for Azlan Shah Cup Hockey Tournament, 2011, was—
(A) Arjun Halappa
(B) Rajesh Kumar
(C) Rajpal Singh
(D) Shivendra Singh
Ans : (A)
89. Farrukhabad is known for—
(A) Carpet weaving
(B) Glassware
(C) Perfume manufacture
(D) Hand printing
Ans : (C)
90. In which of the following crops Uttar Pradesh is not the largest producer in India ?
(A) Potato
(B) Rice
(C) Sugarcane
(D) Wheat
Ans : (B)
91. ‘Stanley Cup’ is associated with—
(A) Badminton
(B) Basketball
(C) Golf
(D) Ice Hockey
Ans : (D)
92. The ‘Laureus World Sportsman of the Year’ award for 2010 was given to—
(A) Lionel Messi
(B) Rafael Nadal
(C) Ronaldo
(D) Sachin Tendulkar
Ans : (B)
93. ‘Smash’ is associated with which of the following sports ?
(A) Boxing
(B) Wrestling
(C) Football
(D) Volleyball
Ans : (D)
94. Bula Chaudhary is well-known in which of the following sport disciplines ?
(A) Swimming
(B) Hockey
(C) Football
(D) Archery
Ans : (A)
95. Tejaswini Sawant is the first Indian woman to be crowned World Champion in—
(A) Athletics
(B) Boxing
(C) Shooting
(D) Wrestling
Ans : (C)
96. The correct descending order of the four winners of the highest number of gold medals in the 34th National Games 2011 is—
(A) Services, Manipur, Haryana, Maharashtra
(B) Services, Haryana, Manipur, Maharashtra
(C) Services, Manipur, Mahara-shtra, Haryana
(D) Services, Haryana, Mahara-shtra, Manipur
Ans : (A)
97. In the 34th National Games, 2011 which State won the team title in Badminton in Men’s Section ?
(A) Andhra Pradesh
(B) Kerala
(C) Maharashtra
(D) Tamil Nadu
Ans : (A)
98. Which one of the following will come next in the series given below ?
LXF MTJ NPN OLR ...........
Ans : (A)
99. If COMPUTER is coded as RFUVQNPC, the code for MEDICINE will be—
Ans : (D)
100. Introducing a girl Mohan said, “Her mother is the only daughter of my mother-in-law.” How is Mohan related to that girl ?
(A) Brother
(B) Father
(C) Husband
(D) Uncle
Ans : (B)
101. The following series has a wrong number :
1 12 65 264 795 1590 1593
The wrong number is—
(A) 65
(B) 264
(C) 795
(D) 1590
Ans : (D)
102. Govind is 3 years older than his wife Shyama and four times as old as his son Raghu. If Raghu becomes 15 years old after 3 years, what is the present age of Shyama ?
(A) 60 years
(B) 51 years
(C) 48 years
(D) 45 years
Ans : (D)
103. Ten years ago Ram’s age was half of Moti’s age. If the ratio of their present ages is 3 : 4, what is the total of their present ages ?
(A) 25
(B) 28
(C) 32
(D) 35
Ans : (D)
104. Sonu bought a watch with 30 per cent discount on the labelled price. He sold it with 20 per cent profit on the labelled price. Approximately, what was his percentage of profit on the price he bought ?
(A) 50
(B) 65
(C) 70
(D) 85
Ans : (C)
105. The surface area of a cube is 384 m2. Its volume will be—
(A) 512 m3
(B) 516 m3
(C) 1032 m3
(D) 216 m3
Ans : (A)
106. There are four prime numbers. The product of first three is 385 and the product of the last three is 1001. First and the last numbers are respectively—
(A) 5, 11
(B) 5, 13
(C) 7, 11
(D) 7, 13
Ans : (B)
107. If the number 1 X 5 X 01 is divisible by 11, then X is equal to—
(A) 2
(B) 6
(C) 8
(D) 3
Ans : (C)
108. Avinash spent 2/5 of his income for a month on rent and 3/4 th of the remainder on other expenses. The balance of Rs. 180 he put in his savings account. How much was his income for the month ?
(A) Rs. 1,200
(B) Rs. 1,400
(C) Rs. 1,600
(D) Rs. 1,800
Ans : (A)
109. The author of ‘Green Development’ is—
(A) M. J. Bradshaw
(B) M. Nicolson
(C) R. H. Whittakar
(D) W. M. Adams
Ans : (D)
110. The missing number in the following series :
0, 4, 18, 48, ?, 180 is—
(A) 58
(B) 68
(C) 84
(D) 100
Ans : (D)
111. Manas started a business investing Rs. 42,000. After 7 months, Kamal joined him with a capital of Rs. 50,000. At the end of the year, the total profit was Rs. 30,160. What is Kamal’s share in the profit ?
(A) Rs. 10,000
(B) Rs. 20,160
(C) Rs. 10,160
(D) Rs. 8,000
Ans : (A)
112. The author of ‘Nuclear Reactor Time Bomb’ is—
(A) C. C. Park
(B) E. P. Odum
(C) S. Polasky
(D) Takashi Hirose
Ans : (D)
113. The World Water Conservation Day is observed on—
(A) February 28
(B) March 22
(C) June 5
(D) July 11
Ans : (B)
114. The Periyar Game Sanctuary is renowned by—
(A) Lions
(B) Spotted deers
(C) Tigers
(D) Wild Elephants
Ans : (C)
115. Which one of the following cities has the largest slum population ?
(A) Bangalore
(B) Chennai
(C) Delhi
(D) Surat
Ans : (C)
116. Which one of the following is the most urbanized country of West Asia ?
(A) Israel
(B) Kuwait
(C) Qatar
(D) Saudi Arabia
Ans : (B)
117. Which of the following countries suffer from the acid rains ?
1. Canada
2. France
3. Norway
4. Germany
Select the correct answer from the codes given below :
Codes :
(A) 1 and 2
(B) 1 and 3
(C) 2 and 3
(D) 3 and 4
Ans : (C)
118. The World Tiger Summit 2010 was held at—
(A) Bangkok
(B) Nairobi
(C) New Delhi
(D) Petersburg
Ans : (D)
119. According to the provisional figures of 2011 Census the lowest sex ratio in India is found in—
(A) Chandigarh
(B) Daman and Diu
(C) Dadra and Nagar Haveli
(D) Haryana
Ans : (B)
120. Which one of the following States of India has recorded the maximum increase in literacy rate during 2001-11 ?
(A) Bihar
(B) Gujarat
(C) Rajasthan
(D) Uttar Pradesh
Ans : (A)
121. As per the provisional figures of 2011 Census the second most populous State of India is—
(A) Andhra Pradesh
(B) Bihar
(C) Maharashtra
(D) West Bengal
Ans : (C)
122. Which of the following statements are correct according to the provisional figures of Census of India 2011 ? Use the codes given below to select the correct answer—
1. The lowest population is found in Lakshadweep.
2. Chandigarh has the highest population density.
3. Arunachal Pradesh has the lowest population density.
4. Dadra and Nagar Haveli has the highest decadal growth of population.
Codes :
(A) 1 and 2
(B) 1, 2 and 3
(C) 2, 3 and 4
(D) 1, 3 and 4
Ans : (D)
123. According to the provisional figures of Census 2011 arrange the following districts of Uttar Pradesh in descending order of their population size and select the correct answer from the codes given below :
1. Allahabad
2. Azamgarh
3. Ghaziabad
4. Lucknow
Codes :
(A) 1, 3, 2, 4
(B) 1, 4, 3, 2
(C) 2, 3, 1, 4
(D) 4, 1, 2, 3
Ans : (A)
124. Buddha had delivered maximum sermons at—
(A) Vaishali
(B) Sravasti
(C) Kaushambi
(D) Rajgriha
Ans : (B)
125. The first Gupta ruler who issued coins was—
(A) Srigupta
(B) Chandragupta I
(C) Samudragupta
(D) Chandragupta II
Ans : (B)
126. The Prince who was responsible for the death of his father was—
(A) Ajatasatru
(B) Chandapradyota
(C) Prasenjit
(D) Udayana
Ans : (A)
127. Who among the following was the earliest Sufi Saint to have settled at Ajmer ?
(A) Sheikh Moinuddin Chisti
(B) Sheikh Qutbuddin Bakhti-yar Qaki
(C) Sheikh Nizamuddin Auliya
(D) Sheikh Salim Chisti
Ans : (A)
128. With which Mughal General did Shivaji sign the famous ‘Treaty of Purandhar’ in 1665 A.D. ?
(A) Jaswant Singh
(B) Jai Singh
(C) Shaishta Khan
(D) Diler Khan
Ans : (B)
129. During the 13th and 14th Centuries A.D. the Indian peasants did not cultivate—
(A) Wheat
(B) Barley
(C) Rice
(D) Maize
Ans : (D)
130. The writer of Mahabhasya ‘Patanjali’ was a contemporary of—
(A) Chandragupta Maurya
(B) Ashoka
(C) Pushyamitra Sunga
(D) Chandragupta-I
Ans : (C)
131. Gautama Buddha had attained Mahaparinibban in the State of—
(A) Anga
(B) Magadha
(C) Malla
(D) Vatsa
Ans : (C)
132. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched ?
(A) Ajmer : Quuwal-al-Islam
(B) Jaunpur : Atala Mosque
(C) Malwa : Jahaz Mahal
(D) Gulbarga : Jama Masjid
Ans : (A)
133. Consider the following statements and select the correct answer from the codes given below—
1. Vikram Samvat began in 58 BC.
2. Saka Samvat began in 78 AD.
3. Gupta era began in 319 AD.
4. The era of Muslim rule in India began in 1192 AD.
Codes :
(A) 1 and 2
(B) 3 and 4
(C) 1, 2 and 3
(D) 1, 2, 3 and 4
Ans : (D)
134. Which one of the following rulers established embassies in foreign countries on modern lines ?
(A) Haider Ali
(B) Mir Qasim
(C) Shah Alam II
(D) Tipu Sultan
Ans : (D)
135. Who among the following was the one to have escaped being hanged in the ‘Kakori Conspiracy Case’ ?
(A) Ashfaqullah Khan
(B) Rajendra Lahiri
(C) Ram Prasad Bismil
(D) Chandra Shekhar Azad
Ans : (D)
136. Who among the following attended all the three Round Table Conferences ?
(A) Jawaharlal Nehru
(B) B. R. Ambedkar
(C) Vallabh Bhai Patel
(D) Rajendra Prasad
Ans : (B)
137. Which Sultan of Delhi imposed Jaziya on the Brahmins also ?
(A) Balban
(B) Firoz Tughlaq
(C) Allauddin Khilji
(D) Mohammad bin Tughlaq
Ans : (B)
138. Who among the following was the founder of Agra ?
(A) Balban
(B) Bahlol Lodhi
(C) Sikandar Lodhi
(D) Firoz Tughlaq
Ans : (C)
139. The only session of the Indian National Congress which was addressed by Mahatma Gandhi was held at—
(A) Amravati
(B) Belgaum
(C) Karachi
(D) Nagpur
Ans : (B)
140. Who among the following leaders of the Revolution of 1857 had the real name of Ram Chandra Pandurang ?
(A) Kunwar Singh
(B) Nana Saheb
(C) Tatiya Tope
(D) Mangal Pandey
Ans : (C)
141. Who among the following led the agitation against the Partition of Bengal (1905) ?
(A) Surendranath Banerjee
(B) C. R. Das
(C) Ashutosh Mukherjee
(D) Rabindra Nath Tagore
Ans : (A)
142. Who among the following leaders escaped from the prison and organized underground activities during the ‘Quit India Movement’ ?
(A) J. B. Kriplani
(B) Ram Manohar Lohia
(C) Achyut Patwardhan
(D) Jai Prakash Narayan
Ans : (D)
143. Arrange the following in the chronological order and select the correct answer from the codes given below—
1. The August Offer
2. The Cabinet Mission Plan
3. The Cripps Mission Plan
4. The Wavell Plan
Codes :(A) 1, 2, 4, 3
(B) 4, 3, 2, 1
(C) 1, 3, 4, 2
(D) 3, 4, 1, 2
Ans : (C)
144. After returning from South Africa, Gandhiji launched his first successful Satyagraha in—
(A) Champaran
(B) Chauri-Chaura
(C) Bardoli
(D) Dandi
Ans : (A)
145. Who among the following had led the Swadeshi Movement in Delhi ?
(A) Balgangadhar Tilak
(B) Ajit Singh
(C) Lala Lajpat Rai
(D) Syed Haider Raza
Ans : (D)
146. Who among the following had moved the Non cooperation resolution in the Nagpur session of the Indian National Congress in 1920 ?
(A) C. R. Das
(B) Annie Besant
(C) B. C. Pal
(D) Madan Mohan Malviya
Ans : (A)
147. Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched ?
(A) Durga Das —The life of Mahatma Gandhi
(B) Louis Fischer —India From Curzon to Nehru and After
(C) Frank Moraes —Jawahar Lal Nehru (A Biography)
(D) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad —India Divided
Ans : (C)
148. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched ?
(A) James Watt : Steam Engine
(B) A. G. Bell : Telephone
(C) J. L. Baird : Television
(D) J. Perkins : Penicillin
Ans : (D)
149. Who among the following had started ‘Mitra Mela’ Association ?
(A) Shyamji Krishna Verma
(B) Vinayak Damodar Savarkar
(C) Lala Hardayal
(D) Sohan Singh Bhakna
Ans : (B)
150. The statement “I am a socialist and a republican and am no believer in Kings and Princes” is associated with—
(A) Narendra Dev
(B) Achyut Patwardhan
(C) Jai Prakash Narayan
(D) Jawahar Lal Nehru
Ans : (D)
MP PSC Public Administration Exam Paper 2011
1. Which of the following administrative thinkers has defined administration as “the organization and direction of human and material resources to achieve desired ends” ?
(A) L. D. White
(B) J. M. Pfiffner
(C) J. A. Veig
(D) H. A. Simon
(Ans) : (B)
2. Which one of the following statements is not correct in respect of New Public Management ?
(A) It has market orientation
(B) It upholds public interest
(C) It advocates managerial autonomy
(D) It focuses on performance appraisal
(Ans) : (B)
3. ‘Good Governance’ and ‘Participating Civil Society for Development’ were stressed in World Bank Report of—
(A) 1992
(B) 1997
(C) 2000
(D) 2003
(Ans) : (A)
4. If the administrative authority within a department is vested in a single individual, then that system is known as—
(A) Board
(B) Bureau
(C) Commission
(D) Council
(Ans) : (B)
5. Globalisation means—
(A) Financial market system is centered in a single state
(B) The growth of a single unified world market
(C) Geographical location of a firm is of utmost importance
(D) Foreign capitalist transactions
(Ans) : (B)
6. By whom was the ‘Managerial Grid’ developed ?
(A) Blake and White
(B) Blake and Schmidt
(C) Blake and Mouton
(D) Mouton and Shophan
(Ans) : (C)
7. Who among the following says that public administration includes the operations of only the executive branch of government ?
(A) L. D. White and Luther Gulick
(B) L. D. White
(C) Luther Gulick
(D) W. F. Willoughby
(Ans) : (C)
8. The concept of the ‘zone of indifference’ is associated with—
(A) Decision-Making
(B) Leadership
(C) Authority
(D) Motivation
(Ans) : (C)
9. Who has analysed the leadership in terms of ‘circular response’ ?
(A) C. I. Barnard
(B) M. P. Follett
(C) Millet
(D) Taylor
(Ans) : (B)
10. Simon proposed a new concept of administration based on the methodology of—
(A) Decision-making
(B) Bounded rationality
(C) Logical positivism
(D) Satisfying
(Ans) : (C)
11. Who wrote the book ‘Towards A New Public Administration : The Minnowbrook Perspective’ ?
(A) Frank Marini
(B) Dwight Waldo
(C) C. J. Charlesworth
(D) J. M. Pfiffner
(Ans) : (A)
12. Who rejected the principles of administration as ‘myths’ and ‘proverbs’ ?
(A) W. F. Willoughby
(B) Herbert Simon
(C) Chester Barnard
(D) L. D. White
(Ans) : (B)
13. The classical theory of administration is also known as the—
(A) Historical theory
(B) Mechanistic theory
(C) Locational theory
(D) Human Relations theory
(Ans) : (B)
14. How many principles of organization were propounded by Henry Fayol ?
(A) 10
(B) 14
(C) 5
(D) 9
(Ans) : (B)
15. Simon was positively influenced by ideas of—
(A) Terry
(B) Barnard
(C) L. D. White
(D) Henry Fayol
(Ans) : (B)
16. Negative motivation is based on—
(A) Fear
(B) Reward
(C) Money
(D) Status
(Ans) : (A)
17. ‘Job loading’ means—
(A) Shifting of an employee from one job to another
(B) Deliberate upgrading of responsibility, scope and challenge
(C) Making the job more interesting
(D) None of the above
(Ans) : (B)
18. The theory of ‘Prismatic Society’ in Public Administration is based on—
(A) Study of public services in developed and developing countries
(B) Institutional comparision of public administration in developed countries
(C) Structural-functional analysis of public administration in developing countries
(D) Historical studies of public administration in different societies
(Ans) : (C)
19. Who among the following is an odd thinker ?
(A) Taylor
(B) Maslow
(C) Herzberg
(D) Likert
(Ans) : (A)
20. Which of the following is not included in ‘hygiene’ factors in the Herzberg’s two-factor theory of motivation ?
(A) Salary
(B) Working conditions
(C) Company’s policy
(D) Responsibility
(Ans) : (D)
21. The ‘Gang-Plank’ refers to—
(A) Discipline
(B) Initiative
(C) Equity
(D) Level jumping
(Ans) : (D)
22. The history of evolution of the Public Administration is generally divided into—
(A) Three phases
(B) Four phases
(C) Five phases
(D) Six phases
(Ans) : (C)
23. Henry Fayol’s General theory of Administration is applicable at—
(A) Policy management level
(B) Top management level
(C) Middle management level
(D) Workshop management level
(Ans) : (B)
24. F. W. Taylor, the founding father of Scientific Management movement propounded the theory which was conceived to be a scientific methodology of—
(A) Careful observation
(B) Measurement
(C) Generalisation
(D) All of these
(Ans) : (D)
25. In which of the following are public and private administrations not common ?
(A) Filing
(B) Managerial techniques
(C) Scope and complexity
(D) Accounting
(Ans) : (C)
26. Bureaucracy that is committed to the programmes of the political party in power is called—
(A) Depoliticised bureaucracy
(B) Semi-politicised bureaucracy
(C) Committed bureaucracy
(D) Fully politicised bureaucracy
(Ans) : (C)
27. The principle of ‘span of control’ means—
(A) An employee should receive orders from one superior only
(B) The number of subordinate employees that an administrator can effectively direct
(C) The control or supervision of the superior over the subordinate
(D) The number of people being controlled
(Ans) : (B)
28. Which of the following is not a function of staff agency ?
(A) Planning
(B) Advising
(C) Consultation
(D) Achieving goals
(Ans) : (D)
29. Which of the following is not a staff agency in India ?
(A) Cabinet Secretariat
(B) Cabinet Committees
(C) Planning Commission
(D) Economic Affairs Department
(Ans) : (D)
30. In hierarchy, the term ‘scalar’ means—
(A) Step
(B) Ladder
(C) Position
(D) Process
(Ans) : (B)
31. The 4Ps theory of departmentalization as advocated by Luther Gulick are—
(A) Purpose, process, plan, place
(B) Place, person, programme, process
(C) Purpose, process, place, programme
(D) Purpose, process, person, place
(Ans) : (D)
32. One who tells one’s supervisor anything detrimental to an associate is called—
(A) A squealer
(B) A rate buster
(C) A chiseller
(D) None of these
(Ans) : (A)
33. According to Urwick, where the work is of a more simple and routine nature, the span of control varies from—
(A) 9 to 12
(B) 8 to 12
(C) 7 to 9
(D) 10 to 12
(Ans) : (B)
34. Delegation of authority by a Sales Manger to his saleman is an example of—
(A) Upward delegation
(B) Sideward delegation
(C) Downward delegation
(D) None of these
(Ans) : (C)
35. A virtual organisation is—
(A) One which has profit as the major goal
(B) One in which leadership always tends to fulfil psychological needs of the subordinates
(C) A small, core organization that outsources major busi-ness functions
(D) One which has concern of the employees as its top priority
(Ans) : (C)
36. The most effective means of citizen’s control over administration is—
(A) Election
(B) Pressure Groups
(C) Advisory Committees
(D) Public Opinion
(Ans) : (A)
37. The Santhanam Committee on prevention of corruption was appointed in—
(A) 1961
(B) 1964
(C) 1963
(D) 1962
(Ans) : (D)
38. The first country in the world to introduce the right to information was—
(A) Norway
(C) Sweden
(D) Finland
(Ans) : (C)
39. What is meant by the Doctrine of State Immunity ?
(A) The State is immune to being sued
(B) The State can be sued but not in the national courts
(C) The State cannot be sued in its own court without its consent
(D) None of the above
(Ans) : (A)
40. ‘Habeas Corpus’ literally me(Ans)—
(A) To have the body of
(B) To command
(C) To prohibit
(D) None of the above
(Ans) : (A)
41. The system of ‘Rule of Law’ was propounded by—
(A) A. V. Dicey
(B) Lowell
(C) W. F. Willoughby
(D) H. Finer
(Ans) : (A)
42. Who says that “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely” ?
(A) L. D. White
(B) Lord Beveridge
(C) Lord Acton
(D) Josiah Stamp
(Ans) : (C)
43. The Public Accounts Committee of Parliament in India consists of—
(A) 15 members
(B) 22 members
(C) 25 members
(D) 30 members
(Ans) : (B)
44. If a public servant imposes upon the citizens duties and obligations which are not required by law, it can lead to—
(A) Error of law
(B) Abuse of power
(C) Error of authority
(D) Error of fact finding
(Ans) : (B)
45. Of which of the following administrative systems is the absence of judicial review a feature ?
1. USA
2. UK
3. France
4. India
(A) 3
(B) 2 and 3
(C) 1 and 3
(D) 2
(Ans) : (B)
46. The present constitution of the USA was adopted in—
(A) 1786
(B) 1778
(C) 1787
(D) 1789
(Ans) : (C)
47. ‘Grand Corps’ in French Civil Service stands for—
(A) Senior level of specialist administrators
(B) Senior level of generalist administrators
(C) Senior level of generalistcum-specialist administra-tors
(D) Senior level of defence administrators
(Ans) : (C)
48. In France, the term of the President is—
(A) Four years
(B) Five years
(C) Six years
(D) Seven years
(Ans) : (D)
49. In England, the Cabinet must resign from office as soon as it loses the confidence of—
(A) The King or the Queen
(B) The House of Commons
(C) The House of Lords
(D) All of these
(Ans) : (B)
50. Under their service rules, the British Civil servants—
(A) Are required to be neutral in politics
(B) Can be partisan
(C) Can be partly neutral and partly partian
(D) Can pursue active party politics
(Ans) : (A)
51. The term ‘Performance Budget’ was coined by—
(A) Administrative Reforms Commission of India
(B) Second Hoover Commission of USA
(C) Estimates Committee of India
(D) First Hoover Commission of USA
(Ans) : (D)
52. During passing of budget in the Parliament ‘Guilotine’ is applied to those demands which are—
(A) Discussed and approved
(B) Discussed but not approved
(C) Discussed and reduced
(D) Not discussed for want of time
(Ans) : (D)
53. Audit of State Government is—
(A) A state subject
(B) A union subject
(C) In the concurrent list
(D) None of these
(Ans) : (B)
54. In which year was the Committee on Public Undertakings constituted by the Lok Sabha ?
(A) 1953
(B) 1956
(C) 1963
(D) 1964
(Ans) : (D)
55. The number of demands in the general budget for civil expenditure is—
(A) 103
(B) 106
(C) 102
(D) 109
(Ans) : (A)
56. The rule of lapse means—
(A) All appropriations voted by the legislature expire at the end of the financial year
(B) All pending bills in Parliament lapse with its prorogation
(C) The demand for grants of a ministry lapse with criticism of its policy by the opposition
(D) The appropriation bill lapses if it is not returned by the Rajya Sabha within 14 days
(Ans) : (A)
57. The C & AG of India does not audit the receipts and expenditure of—
(A) Municipal undertakings
(B) State Governments
(C) Government companies
(D) Central Government
(Ans) : (A)
58. The role of the Finance Commission in Central-State fiscal relations has been undermined by—
(A) The State Governments
(B) The Zonal Councils
(C) The Planning Commission
(D) The Election Commission
(Ans) : (A)
59. The Railway Budget was separated from the Central Budget in the year—
(A) 1920
(B) 1921
(C) 1922
(D) 1923
(Ans) : (B)
60. The Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee of the Parliament is appointed by—
(A) Speaker of Lok Sabha
(B) Prime Minister of India
(C) President of India
(D) Chairman of Rajya Sabha
(Ans) : (A)
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