A. Isotherms B. Isobars C. Isohyets D. Isohalines
2. .......... receives the highest rainfall in the world.
A. Mawsynram in India B. Johannesberg in Africa
C. Brasilia in Brazil D. Salvador in South America
3. ......per cent of the earth’s surface area is covered by oceans.
A. 20 B. 40 C. 70 D. 90
4. ..... is the world’s biggest country in population
A. China B. India C. Brazil D. Russia
5. Which of the following rivers crosses the Equator twice?
A. Congo B. Tigris C. Nile d. Amazon
6. ........is known as the ‘Land of the Rising Sun’.
A. China B. Korea C. Philippines D. Japan
7. Sky is blue because of the:
A. Blue colour of oceans B. Scattering of blue light by dust particles
C. Scattering of red light by dust particles
D. Reflection of various lights producing blue colour
8. ....... is the capital of Tibet
A. Shanghai B. Gangtok C. Mongph D. Lhasa
9. The equatorial diameter of the earth is:
A. Larger than the polar diameter B. Equal to the polar diameter
C. Samller than the polar diameter D. None of the above
10. The planned city of India is:
A. Varanasi B. Chandigarh C. Hyderabad D. New Delhi
11. The line passing through places which have the same height above sea level is known as:
A. Contour B. Isohyet C. Parallel D. Isobar
12. Where is the origin of the Brahmaputra river?
A. Manasarovar B. Lidav Valley C. Kailash D. Nepal
13. ......is the world’s biggest States.
A. China B. India C. Brazil D. Russia
14. ........ is the world’s highest mountain peak.
A. Mt. Blanc B. Mt. Everest C. Mt Aconcagua D. Mt Kilimanjaro
15. The twin cities of India are:
A. Hyderabad - Secundrabad B. Mysore - Bengaluru
C. Mumbai - Poona D. Delhi - New Delhi
16. Which of the following is not a source of geothermal energy?
A. Coal B. Hot Spring C. Hot Geyser D. Volcano
17. By what name is the Ganga known in Bangladesh?
A. Padma B. Bhagirathi C. Nubra D. Rupnarayan
18. The famous hill station in South India is:
A. Ootacamund B. Trivandrum C. Tiruchirapaili D. Tirupati
19. Oslo is the capital of:
A. Norway B. Denmark C. Belgium D. Switzerland
20. Constellations are:
A. Groups of fixed stars
B. Luminous celestial bodies moving round the sun
C. Lines drawn through places of equal heights above sea level.
D. None of these
Time: 30 minutes Marks: 100
21. Van Allen belts are:
A. the belts worn by boxers while in the ring
B. zones of high intensity cosmic radiation surrounding the earth
C. belts used by passengers while travelling in an aeroplane to avoid air-pocket jerks
D. None of these
22. Comets are luminous celestial bodies moving round the:
A. Earth B. Sun C. Moon D. None of these
23. Malachite is an ore of:
A. Manganese B. Magnesium C. Copper D. None of these
24. The regions of the Indian sub-continent where rainfall is between 100 cm to 200 cm are
known to be areas having:
A. Scanty rainfall B. Heavy rainfall C. Moderate rainfall D. None of these
25. The busiest of sea trade routes is:
A. Cape of Good Hope route B. Suez Canal C. South Atlantic route
D. North Atlantic route
26. The first newsprint paper mill in India was set up in
A. Andhra Pradesh B. Madhya Pradesh C. Maharashtra D. West Bengal
27. Which state in India touches the boundaries of the largest number of other States?
A. Andhra Pradesh B. Bihar C. Madhya Pradesh D. Uttar Pradesh
28. Which of the following raw materials for the manufacture of paper is used in the largest
A. Salai wood B. Sabai grass C. Cotton rags D. Bamboo
29. Which one of the following is not a cash crop?
A. Cotton B. Groundnut C. Sugarcane D. Wheat
30. SaddlePeak, the highest peak in Andaman and Nicobar Islands, is located in
A. North Andaman B. Little Andaman C. Great Nicobar D. Middle Andaman
31. The State of Kerala is conspicuous by the absence of
A. Coal for generation of thermal power
B. High quality clay for manufacture of ceramics
C. Timber for manufacture of plywood
D. Rubber of manufacture of tyres and tubes
32. India is very poorly endowed with a few essential minerals and therefore, depends on other
countries for the supply of a ll of the following minerals, except
A. Antimony B. Cobalt C. Thorium D. Zinc
33. “The State sprawls, over the Western Himalayas and the Karakoram Mountains. It is the
most northerly and mountainous State of India.”. This refers to the State of
A. Assam B. Jammu & Kashmir C. Himachal Pradesh D. Meghalaya
34. The Roaring Forties is / are
A. Westerly winds in the Souther Hemisphere
B. Westerly winds in the Northern Hemisphere
C. One of the major water currents of the Atlantic Ocean
D. The most dangerous river of China
35. Aravalli ranges are an example of
A. Block mountains B. Folded mountains
C. Residual mountains D. Volcanic mountains
36. “ A narrow coastal plain situated at the foot of the hills, run along the coast. It varies in
width from 24 to 96 km and is interrupted by short precipitous spurs projecting from the
Western Ghat towards the Arabian Sea.” The description relates to the State of
A. Karnataka B. Kerala C. Goa D. Gujarat
37. Which one of the following sets of conditions is necessary for good cultivation of wheat?
A. High temperature and heavy rainfall
B. High temperature and moderate rainfall
C. Moderate temperature and moderate rainfall
D. Low temperature and low rainfall
38. Which one of the following has the highest wind-velocity?
A. Hurricane B. Tornado C. Typhoon D. Thunderstorm
39. Cirrus clouds are
A. Low clouds B. Very low clouds
C. High clouds D. Medium height clouds
40. The age of the Earth has been estimated to be about
A. 10,000 million years B. 7,500 million years
C. 4,500 million years D. 3,000 million years
41. Which Union Territory is sandwiched between Gujarat and Maharashta?
A. Diu B. Daman C. Dadra and Nagar Haveli D. Mahe
42. Petrology deals with which of the following?
A. Study of the petroleum products B. Study of petroleum-related market economy
C. Study of rocks in the earth’s crust D. Study of the formation of soils
43. Which one of the following is a Great Circle?
A. The Equator B. The Tropic of Capricorn
C. The Arctic Circle D. The Tropic of Cancer
44. India has fairly adequate reserves of gypsum, nearly half of which are located in
A. Jammu & Kashmir B. Himachal Pradesh
C. Rajasthan D. Tamil Nadu
45. The four States of North-East India, which are reported to have more than 50 percent of
the total area under forests, are
A. Meghalaya, Manipur, Tripura and Nagaland
B. Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Manipur and Tripura
C. Meghalaya, Mizoram, Tripura and Nagaland
D. Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh
46. The type of soil spread over large areas in the Northern Plains of India is
A. Red soil B. Black soil C. Laterite soil D. Alluvial soil
47. Where exactly is Akasi Chin?
A. Along the Zasker Mountains B. South of Siachen Glacier
C. Near Leh
D. The north-east corner of Jammu and Kashmir
48. Which one of the following areas of India produces the largest quantity of cotton?
A. North-western and western India B. Western and southern India
C. Plains of northern India
D. North-western India and Gangetic West Bengal
49. Which one of the following regions of India is now regarded as an ecological hot spot?
A. Eastern Himalayas B. Western Ghats and eastern Himalayas
C. Eastern Ghats D. Western Himalayas
50. What is Continental Shelf?
A. Mountain ranges that edge a continent
B. The raised land on a continent’s edge
C. The land that gently slopes and extends below sea-level from the coasts of the continents
before sharply sloping to form the sea floor in the deeps
D. A plateau in the centre of a continent
51. Water vapour, on condensation, is returned to the Earth in the form of
A. Rain and dew only B. Rain, snow and hail only
C. Rain, snow, frost and fog D. Rain, dew, snow, hail, frost and fog
52. What is a Jet Stream?
A. The thrust produced by jet engines of an aircraft
B. The tubes through which fuel is supplied to the engines of an aircraft
C. An invisible river of rushing wind above the clouds streaming round the earth
D. White trail of smoke left behind by an aircraft when flying at high altitude
53. Which of the following pairs is not correct?
A. Delta-Fertility B. Dunes - Rock C. Volcano - Lava D. River-Erosion
54. Which of the following statements is not correct?
A. Soil consists of the upper thin layer of the earth’s crust
B. Requirement of water for all kinds of plants is the same from season to season
C. Decomposed plant and animal remains form humus
D. Transplantation helps better growth of certain plants
55. Two prominent mountain ranges of Madhya Pradesh are
A. Vindhyas and Satpuras B. Mahadeo and Vindhyas
C. Vindhyas and Bhanrer D. Maikala and Kaimur
56. For the cultivation of tobacco, the soil should be rich in
A. Potash B. Calcareous matter
C. Nitrogen D. Organic content
57. What are doldrums?
A. Areas of great humidity B. Areas where the seas are calm
C. The trade winds
D. A low pressure belt round the equator where there are very light winds and calm seas
58. Which one of the following rivers thrice forks into two streams and reunites a few miles
farther on, thus forming the islands of Srirangappattanam, Sivasamudram and Srirangam?
A. Godavari B. Cauvery C. Krishna D. Tungabhadra
59. The Earth turns through 360° in 24 hours. Each 15° longtitude represents
A. Half an hour B. Forty-five minutes
C. One hour D. One hour and fifteen minutes
60. Which of the following terms is not connected with the study of climate?
A. Dew Point B. Flash Point C. Hygrogram D. Stevenson Screen
61. India has the highest productive potential of fisheries in her
A. inland water bodies B. shallow continental shelf
C. deep sea areas D. brackish water lagoons
62. Which one of the following statements is correct?
A. Diamonds occur in the sediments of Cudapah Series
B. Natural gas occurs in the Gondwana beds
C. Mica occurs in abundance at Kodarma
D. Dharwars are famous for petroleum
63. All the following places get heavy annual rainfall (over 200 cm), except
A. Bangalore B. Mumbai
C. Shillong D. Thiruvananthapuram
64. An Ox-bow lake is a
A. Lake occupying a hollow scooped by a glacier
B. Lake formed due to cut-off meander
C. Lake formed behind an off-shore bar
D. Lake occupying a volcanic crater
65. Which of the following statements regarding the major soil groups is not correct?
A. Laterite is a typical soil of tropical regions which receive heavy seasonal rainfall
B. Red and yellow soils are rich in phosphorus, nitrogen and lime contents
C. Black soil is highly retentive of moisture and very productive
D. Alluvial soils are easy to plough
66. The present forest area of India, according to satellite data is
A. increasing B. decreasing C. static
D. open forest area is decreasing but closed forest area is increasing
67. Which State in India leads in the production of Virgin Tobacco?
A. Andhra Pradesh B. Gujarat C. Madhya Pradesh D. Tamil Nadu
68. Which of the following States of India have a common border with Bhutan?
A. Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, West Bengal and Sikkim
B. Sikkim, Tripura, Mizoram, and Manipur
C. Assam, Meghalaya, West Bengal and Mizoram
D. Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Sikkim and Manipur
69. When was Iron and Steel Industry on a large-scale established in India?
A. 1853 B. 1875 C. 1907 D. 1919
70. Rajasthan remains dry during South-West Monsoon because of the
A. Presence of the Thar Desert B. Spread of sand dunes
C. Lack of vegetation D. Anti-cyclonic circulation
71. When rivers carrying a load enter the sea, their flow gets checked and much of the material
so carried is deposited off shore. Such deposits result in the formation of
A. An atoll B. A delta C. A harbour D. A lake
72. In our country, the south-west monsoon winds blow from
A. January to February B. March to mid-June
C. mid-June to September D. October to December
73. The average salinity of an ocean is
A. 2.0 per cent B. 2.5 per cent C. 3.0 per cent D. 3.5 per cent
74. Willy-willy is
A. a kind of common fish found near Lakshadweep islands
B. a tropical cyclone of north-west Australia
C. a wind that blows in a desert
D. a type of tree grown in temperate regions
75. An estuary is a
A. Broad channel where sea and river waters mingle
B. Natural harbour C. Tropical storm D. Waterfall
76. The most salty sea in the world is
A. Red Sea B. Dead Sea C. Arabian Sea D. Mediterranean Sea
77. South-West Bengal suffers from frequent floods which are caused by
A. poor drainage B. incessant rains
C. obstruction of water by high tidal bores when Hooghly is in flood D. All the above
78. Which of the following are the factors that are mainly responsible for the movements of
surface oceanic currents?
1. Prevailing winds 2. Earth’s rotation 3. Differences in the density of sea water
4. Bottom topography 5. Earthquake activity
A. 1, 3 and 4 B. 3, 4 and 5 C. 2, 4 and 5 D. 1, 2 and 3
79. Which of the following countries is across the Nathu La pass?
A. Burma B. Nepal C. Thailand D. China
80. Which of the following rivers is called ‘Bihar’s Sorrow’?
A. Titash B. Kosi C. Subarnarekha D. Ghaggar
81. Which of the following places is associated with copper mining?
A. Khetri B. Kolar C. Renukoot D. Rourkela
82. Which of the following streams makes the Gersoppa (or Jog) Falls?
A. Netravati B. Kalindi C. Sharavati D. Ulhas
83. The strait which separates Asia from North America is the
A. Bering strait B. Palk Strait C. Strait of Gibraltar D. Strait of Malacca
84. A volcano is a vent or an opening in the earth’s crust through which comes out
A. molten lava, dust and steam and even pieces of rocks
B. molten lava and clouds of gases
C. clouds of gases D. all of the above
85. Solar eclipse takes place when
A. the Moon comes in between the Sun and the Earth
B. the Earth comes in between the Sun and the Moon
C. the Sun comes in between the Moon and the Earth D. None of the above
86. Artesian wells are found in
A. metamorphic rocks B. igneous rocks
C. sedimentary rocks D. None of the above
87. Which of the following navigation canals links up Baltic Sea and North Sea?
A. Kiel Canal B. Panama Canal C. Suez Canal D. None of these
88. Deccan Plateau is primarily made up of
A. basalt B. granite C. limestone D. sandstone
89. Leaching of soil is more pronounced in the area of
A. little or no rainfall B. moderate rainfall
C. heavy rainfall D. rainfall, low or heavy
90. No other part of India receives so heavy a rainfall in winter months as the coastal region of
A. Andhra Pradesh B. Gujarat C. Karnataka D. Tamil Nadu
91. Which of the following hill/s is/are of volcanic origin:
A. Girnar B. Barda Hills C. Osam Hills D. All of the above
92. In the semi-arid and temperate grasslands the most commonly found animals are
A. Camels B. Reindeers C. Horses and Donkeys D. Sheep and Goats
93. Which of the following river basins does not have coal-bearing sediments?
A. Damodar basin B. Gangetic basin C. Godavari basin D. Mahanadi basin
94. Molten rock below the surface of the earth is called
A. lava B. locolith C. magma D. basalt
95. The latitude of a place expresses its angular position relative to the plane of
A. axis of earth B. north pole C. south pole D. equator
96. The river Brahmaputra is its course of about1,200 km in the upper mountain ranges upto
Namcha Barwa is known by the name of
A. Dhansiri B. Manas C. Tista D. Tsangpo
97. The only state in India that produces saffrom is
A. Assam B. Himachal Pradesh C. Jammu and Kashmir D. Meghalaya
98. The most suitable measure for soil conservation is
A. afforestation B. irrigation C. crop rotation D. contour farming
99. The Indian subcontinent lies
A. wholly in the southern hemisphere B. wholly in the northern hemisphere
C. mostly in the northern hemisphere and partly in the southern hemisphere
D. mostly in the southern hermisphere and partly in the northern hemisphere
100. All of the following are example of sedimentary rocks, except
A. clay B. limestone C. sandstone D. slate
1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. A 6. D 7. B 8. D
9. A 10. B 11. A 12. A 13. D 14. B 15. A 16. A
17. A 18. A 19. A 20. A 21. B 22. B 23. C 24. C
25. D 26. B 27. D 28. D 29. D 30. A 31. A 32. C
33. B 34. A 35. C 36. B 37. C 38. B 39. C 40. C
41. C 42. C 43. A 44. C 45. B 46. D 47. D 48. A
49. B 50. C 51. D 52. C 53. B 54. B 55. A 56. A
57. D 58. B 59. C 60. B 61. C 62. C 63. A 64. B
65. B 66. B 67. A 68. A 69. C 70. D 71. B 72. C
73. D 74. B 75. A 76. B 77. D 78. D 79. D 80. B
81. A 82. C 83. A 84. D 85. A 86. C 87. A 88. A
89. C 90. D 91. D 92. C 93. B 94. C 95. D 96. D
97. C 98. A 99. B 100. D