1. Shimla Agreement
2. The August Revolution
3. Dandi March
4. Starting of the Second Five Year Plan of India
5. Liberation of Goa
6. Chinese invasion on India
7. Arrival of the Simon Commission to India
8. Tashkent Agreement
9. Bangladesh came into existence as a nation
10. Death of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
Directions 11-15: Name the following:
11. The Logo (symbol) of the Atlanta Olympics
12. The heavyweight lifter who is called Pocket Hercules
13. The athlete who won the gold medal in 100 metre dash with a world record, in the Atlanta Olympics
14. The athlete who won gold in discuss throw in four consecutive Olympic meets
15. The woman athlete who won gold in 100 metres free style swimming in three consecutive olympic meets
Directions 16-20: For what achievement is each of the following awards given:
16. Kabir Puraskar 17. Urvasi Award
18. Bhatnagar Award 19. Dronacharya Award
20. Dada Saheb Phalke Award
Directions 21-25: Give the expanded form of each of the following
21. LASER 22. NASA
23. NAFED 24. CADA
25. DIET
Directions 26-30: Name the authors of the following books:
26. Adventures of Tom Sawyer
27. Village by the sea
28. Gora
29. Malavikagnimithra
30. Oru Theruvinte Katha
Directions 31-35: Name the following:
31. The strait between England and France
32. The largest peninsula
33. The capital of Portugal
34. The Atlantic Ocean. 35. The Gulf of Cambay.
36. Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky
37. Hamlet written by William Shakespeare
38. Friday is a character in Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe.
39. Rama Raja Bahadure. C.V. Raman Pillai was the author.
40. Abhijnana Sakunthalam.
41. Ireland. 42. General Dyer. (April 13, 1919)
43. A Bunch of Old Letters.
44. Acharya Vinoba Bhave. He was the first Indian to receive the Magsaysay Award.
45. Aghakhan Palace in Mumbai.
46. The lithosphere is the top crust of the earth on which our continents and ocean basins rest.
47. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the total money value of all final goods and services produced in a
country during one year.
48. The trapping of the solar heat by green house gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, water vapour etc. is
known as green house effect. This will raise the temperature of the earth with the result that the permanent
snow in the mountain tops will melt and low lying islands will submerge in the sea.
49. A protein produced in response to the presence of some foreign substance in the blood or tissues is known as antibody.
50. The branch of biology dealing with the effect of light on organisms.
1. 1972. The Agreement was signed between Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and Indira Gandhi. Tashkent
Agreement was signed in 1966 by Lal Bahadur Shashtri and Ayub Khan.
2. 1942.Quit India Movement which was launched in August 1942 is known as August Revolution.
3. 1930.
4. 1956. Prof. Mahalanobis is known as the architect of the Second Plan.
5. 1961. The Portuguese were the last foreign power to leave India.
6. 1962.
7. 1928. The Simon Commission did not include any Indian member. So the Congress as well as the Muslim
League boycotted it.
8. 1966
9. 1971
10. 1964
11. Izzy. Syd a platypus. Millie, an echidna and Olly a Kookabura were the mascots of 2000 Sydney Olympics.
12. Hyem Sulaimanolu (Turkey).
13. Donovan Bailey (Canada).
14. Lars Riedel (Germany).
15. Le Jingyi (China).
16. Art and Literature.
17. National award for the best film actress.
18. Scientific research
19. Eminent sports coaches
20. Life long contribution to the cause of Indian cinema.
21. Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
22. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (of USA).
23. National Agricultural Co–operative Marketing Federation.
24. Command Area Development Authority.
25. District Institute of Educational Training. 26. Mark Twain.
27. Anita Desai. In Custody, Fasting Feasting, A Clear Light of the Day are her other well known books.
28. Rabindranath Tagore.
29. Kalidasa.
30. S.K. Pottekkatt. 31. English Channel.
32. Arabia. Second largest Peninsula is India.
33. Lisbon.
34. The Atlantic Ocean. 35. The Gulf of Cambay.
36. Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky
37. Hamlet written by William Shakespeare
38. Friday is a character in Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe.
39. Rama Raja Bahadure. C.V. Raman Pillai was the author.
40. Abhijnana Sakunthalam.
41. Ireland.
42. General Dyer. (April 13, 1919)
43. A Bunch of Old Letters.
44. Acharya Vinoba Bhave. He was the first Indian to receive the Magsaysay Award.
45. Aghakhan Palace in Mumbai.
46. The lithosphere is the top crust of the earth on which our continents and ocean basins rest.
47. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the total money value of all final goods and services produced in a
country during one year.
48. The trapping of the solar heat by green house gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, water vapour etc. is
known as green house effect. This will raise the temperature of the earth with the result that the permanent
snow in the mountain tops will melt and low lying islands will submerge in the sea.
49. A protein produced in response to the presence of some foreign substance in the blood or tissues is known as antibody.
50. The branch of biology dealing with the effect of light on organisms.